Wednesday, 31 December 2008


First I'd like to commend that wonderful recipie that Blaqberry just shared with us! I'm definately going to try that.

1. butternut squash
2. ground cumin, ground coriander, red chilli powder, turmeric, garam masala, cinnamon, paprika, fresh ginger, fresh garlick.
3. yeast flakes
4. Veg boullion or himalayan salt - up to taste really.
5. coconut oil or fresh coconut flesh (in uk hard to get hold of so I use the raw coconut oil)
6. Red onion
7. Fresh Tomatoes
8. Fresh coriander
9. Cashews soaked for at least 3 hours.

Cut up the Butternut squash into small cubes again according to preferance. In a blender (I use a very basic blender because I can't afford a Vitamix) blend the cashews, with the yeast flakes, the spices (tsp of each of the spices), add the coconut oil, and bouillon or salt and pepper too.. Blend it up with some lemon juice, fresh ginger and garlick into a creamy Korma like sauce... In a bowl mix the butternut squash, chopped red onion, and creamy curry sauce together then put in fridge over night to marinade.

In the morning or 4 hours before u want to eat place the curry onto some teflex and into your dehydrator with the freshly chopped tomatoes added the following day. I use a Stockli round dehydrator which is cheap and efficient.. Garnish with Coriander and serve with Cumin Crackers..


ground linseeds soaked, sesame seeds, chopped red pepper, finelly grated zuccini, lemon juice, yeast flakes, veg boullion powder, tamari, Agave nectar, Coriander powder, and Cumin seeds, one finelly chopped Shallot.

I use a coffee grinder to grind up my seeds as this is the cheapest tool for getting a great result. So I grind up the linseeds, then add the other seeds and soak for about 2 hours. I then add the rest of the ingredients, some water until it reaches a runny dough like consistency, and mix it with my hands.. I love the feel of this muddy texture.. Then slather it smoothly, and as thinly as possible into your dehdrator on the teflex and dehdrate for at least 12 hours until they form into dry crackers which u then break up into peices. Once the texture is almost hardened and I can peel off the teflex I flip them over so that they get evenly dehdrated. YUM.. and great to snack on.

Wednesday, 17 December 2008


I just spoke to a dear friend of mine, we discussed detoxing a bit and I wanted to share how to make the Ultimate Smoothie. I have been having this smoothie now for over 6 months

I learned this at the Karuna retreats in Devon UK..


sesame seeds,
sunflower seeds,
pumpkin seeds,
shelled hemp seeds (or with husks if preferred)
goji berries (there is a dispute which i heard today that goji are full of toxins due to pesticides used growing them.. so don't always be fooled by the 'organic tag'. I will keep them in though as I rather like them :), but I heard this today from a reliable organic shop manager who said goji's were just hype.
cacau nibs,
raw cacau powder
seaweed salad
macca powder
bee pollen
barley grass
wheat grass
pure synergy
frozen berries (strawberry, rasberry, blueberry)
banana (not if candida is present in gut, avoid sugary fruits)
fresh juice (organic apple) or grapefruit if candida present.

Overnight if possible, soak the seeds, a tablespoon of each ideally... So sesame, sunflower, linseeds, hemp, and some of the seaweed salad.. (dried wakame) and goji berries..

In the morning add the fruit, teaspoon of bee pollen, barley grass, wheatgrass powder, (pure synergy), and add juice or water even.. For those with a sweet tooth you can also add a little Agave nectar which is a fantastic sweetner that is very much like honey but low in glycemic index so it doesn't spike your insulin levels. Add some cacau nibs, raw cacao powder, bee pollen, basically all of it and blend up in a good blender. I highly recommend investing in a blender that will last a lifetime if yo uare going to go seriously raw, but a standard one will do.

I have heard from forums that this is a good one and lower in price than other competitors. though I would personally love to have a vitamix as they seem to be the most popular.

drink and enjoy your day - you will notice it turn out more hopeful just by the way this smoothie makes you feel.. I also has more nutrition and minerals in it than the average person gets in two weeks apparently.

In the summer I add nettles, raw lettuce, and some dandelion leaves.. even flowers that are edible :))) for the love factor.

nothing like rose petals on ones breakfast to open the heart...

Friday, 12 December 2008

Raw food restaurants in NYC

I am currently in NYC with my friend Nektarios and Ly and Vello.. We went to a wonderful restaurant last night called the Caravan of Dreams, it is mostly Raw.. I had to begin with 'live nachos' and then a living sandwich which was dehdrated linseed bread with nuts and peppers (tasted wonderful) with an almond pesto and a pumpkin seed pesto.. Ly had a mixed berry smoothie with no dairy in it though it tasted just like milk shake, and we had a gorgeous pudding too which was like a banana/chocolate cake with dates YUM..

I stumbled across a 'fantastic' book also.. by Mathew Kenney and Sarma Meingailis

DSC_7523.JPG @ 50% (RGB/8*)

Monday, 24 November 2008

Saturday, 15 November 2008


I was talking to a 'friend' the other day, and we were both trying to 'help' understand why we were all so exhausted.. Why perhaps as a result of marital arguments, we were too tired to even deal with any of it. Adrenals and thyroid came up in conversation. I saw that it was definately something I would like to address in myself, as I am type A, so very dynamic and often running on 'adrenaline'.. It's highly important to find balance in life, to 'chillax', and to not over do anything.. Otherwise the Adrenals get depleted and ultimately lead to other conditions not to be ignored. Let me look deeper into this and find some good ways to a: recognise the symptoms, and b: perhaps work on healing that 'modern day' issue we are all suffering from.. Oh i hear it on a day to day basis!

Infact I was giving my friend Kathryn a massage only yesterday, and her adrenals were quite tight. I gave her one, because somebody gave me one and I noticed such a huge difference just from having that 'contact' with somebody.

so step 1.

why not offer a good friend a massage for the hell of it :) Why are we all so 'touch phobe' at times.. you know u want to! :D


I was talking to a new friend called Hayley Whittle the other day, who is the beautiful GF of John B but also a genius in her own right. She was telling me that she was baking a Christmas Cake.. I thought 'nice'! But then my mind started wandering as I gazed out the window of the Branch line to london 'how about a 'raw christmas cake'... Just for the 'challenge'.

I googled and found this..

If any other readers know if a good Raw Christmas cake let me know and I'll post a link




Monday, 13 October 2008


The other day my friend came around. She is a hard working 'carer' who looks after sick children.. she does alot of night shifts. She noticed I was a bit low.. I thought I was just a bit moody, and tired etc.. but my tiredness was not normal, I am sometimes a little bit too invincible for my own good and need to sometimes hear anothers view on it.. it helps when they are professional of course ;). Anyway she told me I might be Anaemic (she is also a nurse), and it all made sense.. All the symptoms I have had I looked up on Dr Shyams book and bingo - it's how I have been feeling.. So I have been having grilled oranges, floradix (vitamin C helps Iron absorbtion), and walnuts, mackeral, raw beetroot,, carrot, celery and spinach will be a high factor in this weeks food list.. Also Sardines and broccoli which are rich in zinc..

I am questioning as much as I rate the 'raw food' diet.. If it is entirely the right diet for my 'body'.. I'm O Positive blood type which is a high line of meat eaters.. So I am going to add a little more meat to my diet until I get my colour back :)


Body Organs

SPLEEN (going through divorce is shit for the spleen energy, and i think this has not helped with my condition)
KIDNEYS - same as above

. lumbar

. lack of energy
. palor
. dull eyes
. fatigue
. lethary
. difficulty in running and breathing.

(I cycle my boy to school every other day, and again I normally get up the hill no problem, but today I thought I was going to literally pass out - not safe)

. wounds take longer to heal
. cramps
. indigestion
. insomnia

Anaemia indicates that there is insufficient haemoglobin in the body, Ferrum (iron pills) are not general solution because they cause constipation. I recommend instead homeopathic tissue salts Ferr. Phos. D6. (this treatment - referred to hereafter as tissue salts was originated by Dr Schuessler in teh last century and has since gained a world-wide reputation for its effectiveness in stimulating blood circulation and cell reproduction).. Or eat beetroot to stimulate movement in your bowels; it is a healther solution. If there is a haemolytic disease in the body 0 you will need a blood test to check - then this treatment is insufficient.
Provided that your anaemia is not pernicious and you have no other chronic blood disease, the following juice will help.


. carrot
. raw beetroot
. celery
. spinach

Add 125m of spring water with a pinch of salt, ground black pepper and ground roasted cumin seeds. Cumin powder is very digestible and helps to balance the beetroot which is very earthy and difficult to digest. Chewing 25g of parsley iwll maximise the effect of this juice, which you should drink twice a day.

In addition, eat mackeral oysters, sardines, walnuts, and broccoli, which are all rich in zinc. Try to eat more green veg; they are rich in chlorophyll and will help generally..

Thanks Dr Singha :)) Taken from teh book 'THE SECRETS OF NATURAL HEALTH (Element publishers)

Thursday, 2 October 2008

RED ONIONS - Dr Shyam Singha

- COMBAT colds and coughs: red onions contain large amounts of vitamin A and E

TASTE pungent

Nutritional Values

. Rich in vitamins A and E, which are antioxidants. Oxidants are substances, like free radicals, that destroy the tissue.
. rich in vitamin C, calcium, iron (espcially red onions) and sulpher

Did you know?

Onions constitute one of the most powerful remedies that can be commonly found in the average household. The healing effect of red onions is greater than that of white onions. While the white onion is rich in vitamin E, the red onion contains both vitamins a and E. The onion is a powerful healer not only when eaten raw, but also fried, dried or boiled.

The fresh juice of an onion can be rubbed on burns, bites and stings.. Influenza patients, given the juice of pounded onions in a warm infusion 3 times a day at the onset of the disease, can often recover within 2-3 days. Fresh onion juice mixed with honey makes a good cough syrup.

Natural therapeutic effects

. antioxidant, antidiabetic, antifungal, antiviral, antibacterial, anticanderous, anthemlmintic, antiseptic, antispasmodic, carminative, diuretic, expectorant, stomachic, tonic.

Beneficial in the treatment of

. catarrh
. anaemia
. coughs and colds
. influenza
. liver cirrhosis
. dropsy
. kidney stones
. tuberculosis
. germs in the mouth (chew raw onion for 3 minutes)
. ascites (abdominal dropsy)
. bronchitis
. insomnia
. jaundice
. splenic enlargement
. dyspepsia
. toothache
. bruises
. earache
. nervous debility
. brain fatigue
. anxiety
. heroine and tobacco addiction
Onions also strengthen the lungs and cleanse the colon.


Onions can help to prevent severe diseases of the respiratory system.

ORANGES (The Flu Season is nigh)


quoted from Dr Shyam Singhas book 'The Secrets of Natural Health'

TASTE sour

Nutritional Values

. rich in mineral salts, especially calcium
. rich in vitamins, especially vitamin C

Beneficial in the treatment of
. fevers
. catarrh
. colds
. acidosis
. hyperacidity of the stomach

Did you know?

Oranges are strongly alkaline-forming. They are a good supplement for arthritics and meat eaters who need to combad acidosis. Grilled oranges are very strong immune strengtheners. The pith contains vitamin P (bioflavanoids) and the flesh is rich in Vitamin C. Through the process of grilling, the pith and the fleshy part mingle, making it easier for the body to absorb the bioflavanoids and the vitamin C. When the vitamin C and P combine, they activate the immune system of the body and help it to eliminate toxins. A monofast with grilled oranges is a first step in the treatment of Aids, hepatitic C and B, herpes and non-specific urethritis. It can also be used to break down tumours.

Dr Shyam Singha.

Monday, 29 September 2008

A wonderful website for Raw Food Powders and supps.

I got so excited when my box of Powders arrived the other day.. I orders Barley Grass, Macca powder, bee pollen, raw chocolate nibs, Greener Grass, and some other special powders which are powerful aphrodisiacs.. not that I need them, but I can hardly control my imagination now! This change of diet really works for 'libido'.. and because u end up looking more fabulous from putting all that goodness into your body, you shine and feel so much better too.. The good thing is also that the orders stretch a long way.. I make a super smoothie everymorning with all this wonderful nutrition in it..


Friday, 29 August 2008

Green for Life.


Everyday, I try and have at least '1' green smoothie. I go into the garden and pick stuff like 'nettles', dandelion leaves', and spinach, kale.. Whatever is going 'except bind weed' which I am having a nightmare getting rid of.. Put it in a blender, add a banana, and blend with apple juice. I swear as soon as I have drank it, my eyes light up, I get tingling of energy, I start thinking 'good positive thoughts', and it's so much more stimulating than having a cup of coffee as far as 'energy goes'. We often can think we need 'coffee' when we start to slump but that can really exhaust our pancreas and spleen function through over stimulation and then lead to cronic exhaustion.

I do actually 'love' yerba mate which I know has 'caffeine' in it.. I have that first thing in the morning in a 'gourd' with a bombilla straw'.. Infact I am so obsessed with yerba mate I would confess to it being my 'drug' addiction.. The ritual of it, the way you put the mate into the gourd, shake it in a certain way, add water.. etc.. it's very grounding and ritualistic.. We all need a little ritual in our lives.. I find it quite homely when I take it abroad on my travels. The first thing I usually do when i get to a hotel room is set up the gourd, the bombilla straw, the flask.. I even made a Mate Museum in second life.. Where people can go and read all about it's properties.. The brand I prefer is the organice 'che yerba mate'.. CHE MATE

I have had my Gourd now for 4 years.. I am very attached to it.. The photos are the 'real texture' from my own gourd. Second Life is a great 'educational tool'..

Thursday, 28 August 2008

There is such a thing as a 'free lunch' actually. :)

Today I went for my usual 'run' around the fields where I live.. I have to 'get out' the house every day and off the 'wires'.. Look at Green things, tap into the power of nature, and 'breath breath breath' mostly out, but in again - deeeeeply. On the way I saw that there are very nice Dandelion leaves which u can 'eat' in salads.. Dandelion is good for kidney function.

I listened to my Ipod and got lost in the music and the scenery..

Then I went home and made a 'raw lunch'.. Most of it was free..First I had some salad... Most of it just needed some dressing.. I added some advocado and some raw pesto which works well with Dandelion leaves as they can be quite 'bitter' tasting... and a sprinkling of 'raw cacao nibs'. For desert I made a raw berry 'tart' type of thing.. By blending up some pecan nuts, sunflower seeds, sesame and pumpkin seeds in the coffee grinder, adding some agave nectar and making a nice 'bass'. Then I blended the berries, with rasberries and a banana with coconut oil.. and let it set in the 'fridge for a bit'.. It's much nicer than crumble.

The other day I met up with Deneise who is an amazing woman.. I said she should start a new 'cult' because when she gives u a hug, her healing energy passes straight to your heart.. She is like a 'Mother Meera'... :)My spirit knows her better than my brain does.. She is 'one of the special ones'.. Deneise read my pulses and told me to 'go to bed early' for a bit, and to eat warmed up foods'. Raw does not always mean 'cold' you can make soups too and put foods in the dehdrator to heat them a bit so that the spleen and kidney function doesn't go into shock. In summer salads are fine, but in Autumn and winter those are the areas that are susceptible to stress and to cold..

Oh and My Mum told me something of value the other day.. (we are from a family of Doctors from Mums side)Which is to be careful with 'linseeds' and nuts in general. To chew them very well because if you have any issues such as Diviticulitis or bowel issues.. It could lead to problems. (luckily i don't) but also these small seeds eaten in large amounts can also maybe lead to issues such as Appendix rupture etc... I 'grind them' mostly in a coffee grinder before consuming.. Just a tip there.. ;) - thanks Mum.

Monday, 12 May 2008

The Square Foot Garden (absolutely amazing)

Yesterday I was around at Mums house and we sat down and watched a DVD on the 'square foot garden'. It got me very excited because it's extremely simple to arrange and take care of, has a huge success rate in production of fruit, vegetables and flowers, and has a very easy to understand crop rotation ethic. I can't wait to get started. Mum is going to come and help me in two weeks when I get back from the States to organise it. I want to become self sufficient. I am sick of throwing away so much plastic each week and seeing so much waste. The more I become Raw, the more conscious I become as to my part in this Global mess nightmare.. It hurts my soul when I participate, unconsciously but I feel it in my vibration. Call me nuts fine.. But once one of my relates was a cavewoman and it wasn't an issue. This 'new' method of gardening takes all the pain out of gardening and confusion also. Less wastage of 'seeds' water, and pollution to and from the 'stupermarket' (i quote shazzie). WE have to go back to the roots of what is real. Take charge, and get off the comp and into the garden.

The Official Site of Square Foot Gardening and Mel Bartholomew, Originator and Author

Tuesday, 6 May 2008

Wine and yeast.

Franca just sent me a link to this interesting concept about yeast free wine. For those with 'candida' issues. WINE MAKING

Tuesday, 22 April 2008

Are your nerves a bit shot? - coz lettuce soup.

If u are nervous by nature, or over tired, sometimes that can make us a bit 'constipated' and if we are constipated, then we get grumpy.. Grumpy and nervous, is not a good combination is it!  Here is a top tip from Dr Shyam Singha who used to be my homeopath.  He was an incredible man, and I was blessed in this life to have him as my natropath at the age of 13 to 27.. I learned 'so much' from him and in times of need I only have to think about him and his 'presence' hovers to the rescue.  There are many stories that I will relay about Dr Shyam Singha through this blog journey, but the main thing I want to start with is that I think he has inspired many people.. Especially wondering if he was the inspiration behind Gillian McKeiths 'quote' "You are what you eat".. I say this because Dr Shyam had a radio show in the 80's on radio 4, and once told a truck driver who was moaning about feeling rubbish all the time and saying that he ate nothing but Mcdonalds, Kentucky, and cafe food, 'If you eat shit, you are shit'! Was Dr Singhas reply and recommended a fruit fast and 'inner cleansing'. Sadly after this quote, Mcdonalds tried to sue him, and his 'radio slot' was banned. Shyam was a 'Fiber Punk'.  If we have a badly food combine and don't have enough fiber in our diet then you could well be storing pounds and pounds of this stuff, which is stopping your body from absorbing minerals and vitamins. MUCOID PLAGUE.. It sounds like a punk band! I'm sure alot of punks had this problem also as it makes u feel grumpy, negative, and a bit aggressive.  

This soup is also great for hangovers, or Sunday afternoons when one is on a 'come down', or having regrets about night before.  Dont' be so hard on yourselves!  'Coz we're never gonna survive, unless we get a little crazy" (seal).  

This recipie is a soup, but I have adapted it slightly as Shazzie told me the other day that u can actually make soups 'raw' but warm for the (spleen energy).  I used to 'cook' this soup by frying the onions first, adding ginger and stirfrying in the lettuce then adding broth.  But now that I am eating Raw food, I am turning into a raw soup instead... If u are a cooked fooder, then fine just try not to over stirfry it before u add the stock and blend.  Sometimes warming foods a little might suit some people, especially if they have spleen issues.  Also buying a Dehydrator is a good idea as u can warm things in that also.  

COZ LETTUCE SOUP.  (this soup is also fantastic to have a cup full before bed to aid sleeplessness).  Lettuce is sophoric which means 'calming'.  And it's brilliant for those highly strung nervy types like myself.  Dr Singha recommended that I ate one coz lettuce a day, and 5 ripe figs'.  For this u will need a blender.

1 coz lettuce
1 small chopped red onion (red onions are a great blood cleanser)
stock (himalayan salt, vegetable broth)
yeast flakes (engevita)  some use marmite, but I prefer to ommit as much 'active yeast' out of my diet as possible to avoid candida in the gut.  Engevita is a lovely vegan food to have in your kitchen and is great for flavouring or adding that 'meaty' touch.  Candida can make one very grumpy indeed.
1 ounce ginger (juiced)
(freshly made hemp milk) - 'optional' to give it creamy taste
boiled water left to cool a bit
fresh herbs - thyme is a nice one, or mixed herbs.

tear up a whole coz lettuce, add to it a tablespoon of engevita, pinch of himalayan salt, some fresh ginger juice, a very small red onion, the herbs, then a pint of the boiling water (cooled to withstand), OR warmed Hemp Milk, and blend.  Drink and Chillax.

Saturday, 19 April 2008

A night out with J-tek.

Last night I went out to the Launch party of  J-Tek in Shoreditch.. The day before I got in the kitchen and made some 'love heart' raw choccies.  I used Shazzie's cacau butter, coconut oil, raw cacau powder, lacuma, hemp seeds, goji berries, vanilla essence, macca powder, and some natural sweetner 'agave nectar' which is 'so much sweeter and delicious.  I mixed it all up without 'boiling the oils first'.  The Cacau butter tends to be quite hard, so u have to carefully break a bit up with a blunt knife.. I melt the butter very slowly so that it doesn't boil and lose it's precious properties. Then just add the powder, cacau nibs, bee pollen, goji, lacuma, hemp, macca etc.. U can throw anything u like in with it i.e hazlenuts, are a nice change etc..  Shazzie and David Wolfe have just bought out an 'AMAZING book all about the properties in chocolate.. I had no idea that it is also a perfect 'natural anti-depressant' aid.  I have once been on prozac for a mild case of post natal depression, and have to say that the raw food diet with added cacau, has been way more effective than being on those pills, which made me feel incredibly 'acidic' and caused me digestive problems.  I told my G.P about it, and she was really interested actually.. More love in the world, and good food, is way better than handing over millions of pounds to the Anti-depressant industry - sigh and I feel blessed to have an open minded GP.  So last night, I took the chocolates to the club and handed some out.. They went down a treat :) especially when my dear friend Katheryn at one point looked at me and said 'kirsty i'm starving'.. I found a spare chocolate by the DJ booth and gave it to her... she soon got back on that dance floor :)  I have to admit though that I did drink some beer last night, and have realised that it was not half as nice a feeling as the chocolate and music combined.  I learned a new lesson there.  All in good time ;)  All links to Shazzie and David wolfe are on left of the blog just click and educate :)

Thursday, 17 April 2008


Why 'rave food'. Well I have recently been inspired by a 'new resurgance' of Rave music, and the old skool attitudes that was once 'for the love' of life, and evolution in spirit. I am from the Rave Generation when it all begin in 1988. I am almost 40 years old, and I am proud to be who I am, I think 'lying' about your age and worrying about aging is bollocks, and I actually want people to know that I am not in denial, but proud to be a mature woman, with a young spirit, and zest for life. A high Raw food diet over the years, has really helped me to do all the things I do, I am a very dynamic person by nature, and people often say HOW DO U DO IT ALL!, Well I thought it would be 'stingy' not to share some of my secrets.. I am not a 'tee total', I do love the occasional piss up, but I also know how important it is to 'balance', so am veering more towards the raw chocolate highs now. I recently met Shazzie, who has just produced a fantastic book all about Raw Chocolate with David Wolfe, and next week I am really hoping to hang out with Kate Magic who has just published a new book recipie on raw foods which is absolutely AMAZING. All the links are to the left of this blog so browse in your own time.. I am now be able to share some of my experiences in life especially of those relating to knowledge of how 'energy' and especially 'food' diet, can help us to live a full and exciting life. This blog is going to be all about 'that side' of things. I will be inviting others into contributing their knowledge, video blogging, and being as sickeningly healthy as I can :).