- COMBAT colds and coughs: red onions contain large amounts of vitamin A and E
TASTE pungent
Nutritional Values
. Rich in vitamins A and E, which are antioxidants. Oxidants are substances, like free radicals, that destroy the tissue.
. rich in vitamin C, calcium, iron (espcially red onions) and sulpher
Did you know?
Onions constitute one of the most powerful remedies that can be commonly found in the average household. The healing effect of red onions is greater than that of white onions. While the white onion is rich in vitamin E, the red onion contains both vitamins a and E. The onion is a powerful healer not only when eaten raw, but also fried, dried or boiled.
The fresh juice of an onion can be rubbed on burns, bites and stings.. Influenza patients, given the juice of pounded onions in a warm infusion 3 times a day at the onset of the disease, can often recover within 2-3 days. Fresh onion juice mixed with honey makes a good cough syrup.
Natural therapeutic effects
. antioxidant, antidiabetic, antifungal, antiviral, antibacterial, anticanderous, anthemlmintic, antiseptic, antispasmodic, carminative, diuretic, expectorant, stomachic, tonic.
Beneficial in the treatment of
. catarrh
. anaemia
. coughs and colds
. influenza
. liver cirrhosis
. dropsy
. kidney stones
. tuberculosis
. germs in the mouth (chew raw onion for 3 minutes)
. ascites (abdominal dropsy)
. bronchitis
. insomnia
. jaundice
. splenic enlargement
. dyspepsia
. toothache
. bruises
. earache
. nervous debility
. brain fatigue
. anxiety
. heroine and tobacco addiction
Onions also strengthen the lungs and cleanse the colon.
Onions can help to prevent severe diseases of the respiratory system.
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