quoted from Dr Shyam Singhas book 'The Secrets of Natural Health'
TASTE sour
Nutritional Values
. rich in mineral salts, especially calcium
. rich in vitamins, especially vitamin C
Beneficial in the treatment of
. fevers
. catarrh
. colds
. acidosis
. hyperacidity of the stomach
Did you know?
Oranges are strongly alkaline-forming. They are a good supplement for arthritics and meat eaters who need to combad acidosis. Grilled oranges are very strong immune strengtheners. The pith contains vitamin P (bioflavanoids) and the flesh is rich in Vitamin C. Through the process of grilling, the pith and the fleshy part mingle, making it easier for the body to absorb the bioflavanoids and the vitamin C. When the vitamin C and P combine, they activate the immune system of the body and help it to eliminate toxins. A monofast with grilled oranges is a first step in the treatment of Aids, hepatitic C and B, herpes and non-specific urethritis. It can also be used to break down tumours.
Dr Shyam Singha.
Intersting, Kirsty. I will have to try this.
i have been eating all fruits and vegies now for a little over a week; since i watched that video about 'eating RAW' you posted a couple of weeks ago. i have felt nearly all the mental cloudyness go away and feel alot more enrgized! i am really amazed at the resaults!
i do cook some of the Vegetables. but as for any kind of meat (including fish) i have stopped eating, and i believe this has imporived my health tremendously over the past 10 days! i will give an update after a month or so!
thank you Kirsty for speaking out on this subject!
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