Tuesday, 22 April 2008

Are your nerves a bit shot? - coz lettuce soup.

If u are nervous by nature, or over tired, sometimes that can make us a bit 'constipated' and if we are constipated, then we get grumpy.. Grumpy and nervous, is not a good combination is it!  Here is a top tip from Dr Shyam Singha who used to be my homeopath.  He was an incredible man, and I was blessed in this life to have him as my natropath at the age of 13 to 27.. I learned 'so much' from him and in times of need I only have to think about him and his 'presence' hovers to the rescue.  There are many stories that I will relay about Dr Shyam Singha through this blog journey, but the main thing I want to start with is that I think he has inspired many people.. Especially wondering if he was the inspiration behind Gillian McKeiths 'quote' "You are what you eat".. I say this because Dr Shyam had a radio show in the 80's on radio 4, and once told a truck driver who was moaning about feeling rubbish all the time and saying that he ate nothing but Mcdonalds, Kentucky, and cafe food, 'If you eat shit, you are shit'! Was Dr Singhas reply and recommended a fruit fast and 'inner cleansing'. Sadly after this quote, Mcdonalds tried to sue him, and his 'radio slot' was banned. Shyam was a 'Fiber Punk'.  If we have a badly food combine and don't have enough fiber in our diet then you could well be storing pounds and pounds of this stuff, which is stopping your body from absorbing minerals and vitamins. MUCOID PLAGUE.. It sounds like a punk band! I'm sure alot of punks had this problem also as it makes u feel grumpy, negative, and a bit aggressive.  

This soup is also great for hangovers, or Sunday afternoons when one is on a 'come down', or having regrets about night before.  Dont' be so hard on yourselves!  'Coz we're never gonna survive, unless we get a little crazy" (seal).  

This recipie is a soup, but I have adapted it slightly as Shazzie told me the other day that u can actually make soups 'raw' but warm for the (spleen energy).  I used to 'cook' this soup by frying the onions first, adding ginger and stirfrying in the lettuce then adding broth.  But now that I am eating Raw food, I am turning into a raw soup instead... If u are a cooked fooder, then fine just try not to over stirfry it before u add the stock and blend.  Sometimes warming foods a little might suit some people, especially if they have spleen issues.  Also buying a Dehydrator is a good idea as u can warm things in that also.  

COZ LETTUCE SOUP.  (this soup is also fantastic to have a cup full before bed to aid sleeplessness).  Lettuce is sophoric which means 'calming'.  And it's brilliant for those highly strung nervy types like myself.  Dr Singha recommended that I ate one coz lettuce a day, and 5 ripe figs'.  For this u will need a blender.

1 coz lettuce
1 small chopped red onion (red onions are a great blood cleanser)
stock (himalayan salt, vegetable broth)
yeast flakes (engevita)  some use marmite, but I prefer to ommit as much 'active yeast' out of my diet as possible to avoid candida in the gut.  Engevita is a lovely vegan food to have in your kitchen and is great for flavouring or adding that 'meaty' touch.  Candida can make one very grumpy indeed.
1 ounce ginger (juiced)
(freshly made hemp milk) - 'optional' to give it creamy taste
boiled water left to cool a bit
fresh herbs - thyme is a nice one, or mixed herbs.

tear up a whole coz lettuce, add to it a tablespoon of engevita, pinch of himalayan salt, some fresh ginger juice, a very small red onion, the herbs, then a pint of the boiling water (cooled to withstand), OR warmed Hemp Milk, and blend.  Drink and Chillax.

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