Today I went for my usual 'run' around the fields where I live.. I have to 'get out' the house every day and off the 'wires'.. Look at Green things, tap into the power of nature, and 'breath breath breath' mostly out, but in again - deeeeeply. On the way I saw that there are very nice Dandelion leaves which u can 'eat' in salads.. Dandelion is good for kidney function.
I listened to my Ipod and got lost in the music and the scenery..
Then I went home and made a 'raw lunch'.. Most of it was free..First I had some salad... Most of it just needed some dressing.. I added some advocado and some raw pesto which works well with Dandelion leaves as they can be quite 'bitter' tasting... and a sprinkling of 'raw cacao nibs'. For desert I made a raw berry 'tart' type of thing.. By blending up some pecan nuts, sunflower seeds, sesame and pumpkin seeds in the coffee grinder, adding some agave nectar and making a nice 'bass'. Then I blended the berries, with rasberries and a banana with coconut oil.. and let it set in the 'fridge for a bit'.. It's much nicer than crumble.
The other day I met up with Deneise who is an amazing woman.. I said she should start a new 'cult' because when she gives u a hug, her healing energy passes straight to your heart.. She is like a 'Mother Meera'... :)My spirit knows her better than my brain does.. She is 'one of the special ones'.. Deneise read my pulses and told me to 'go to bed early' for a bit, and to eat warmed up foods'. Raw does not always mean 'cold' you can make soups too and put foods in the dehdrator to heat them a bit so that the spleen and kidney function doesn't go into shock. In summer salads are fine, but in Autumn and winter those are the areas that are susceptible to stress and to cold..
Oh and My Mum told me something of value the other day.. (we are from a family of Doctors from Mums side)Which is to be careful with 'linseeds' and nuts in general. To chew them very well because if you have any issues such as Diviticulitis or bowel issues.. It could lead to problems. (luckily i don't) but also these small seeds eaten in large amounts can also maybe lead to issues such as Appendix rupture etc... I 'grind them' mostly in a coffee grinder before consuming.. Just a tip there.. ;) - thanks Mum.
Kirsty,I'm always so happy for you when you can get away to enjoy the outdoors and, like you say, witness nature and its raw beauty and power. It is so amazing and I feel so lucky to be able to spend much of my time outdoors . Today I picked some chokecherries. I am waiting for the wild plums and crabapples to ripen.
And I am so happy that you posted!
Its been so long, I almost gave up on this blog, but I thought I'd just give it another try and wow,you're back! So cool :))
yes i am back :).. It's been a challenging few months and honestly I was a little bit 'off the rails'... We fall off the path at times bcause we are human. I love Sept time.. it's one of my favourite seasons 'the fall'.. It's a time when i feel inspired to get my act together, start preparing myself for the 'winter bugs' building up that immune system, and always find i's a good time to start learning new things. I have never heard of choke cherries? Are they like rasberries?
They are very small purplish-red berries that grow in bunches on bushes about 4-12 feet tall.
They are called that because they leave you with a puckered mouth if you eat too many of them raw.
Most people here pick them to make jelly out of them. But I like to just chew on them and spit the pits out. The pits make up most of the berry and I have gotten used to the feeling they leave in my mouth. Perhaps you can google "chokecherries" to see what they look like.
And I am waiting for the rosehips to ripen. Free vitamin c and when you dry them they make great tasting tea. If you have rosebushes or know of wild roses growing you should be able to pick them too.
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