Monday, 13 October 2008


The other day my friend came around. She is a hard working 'carer' who looks after sick children.. she does alot of night shifts. She noticed I was a bit low.. I thought I was just a bit moody, and tired etc.. but my tiredness was not normal, I am sometimes a little bit too invincible for my own good and need to sometimes hear anothers view on it.. it helps when they are professional of course ;). Anyway she told me I might be Anaemic (she is also a nurse), and it all made sense.. All the symptoms I have had I looked up on Dr Shyams book and bingo - it's how I have been feeling.. So I have been having grilled oranges, floradix (vitamin C helps Iron absorbtion), and walnuts, mackeral, raw beetroot,, carrot, celery and spinach will be a high factor in this weeks food list.. Also Sardines and broccoli which are rich in zinc..

I am questioning as much as I rate the 'raw food' diet.. If it is entirely the right diet for my 'body'.. I'm O Positive blood type which is a high line of meat eaters.. So I am going to add a little more meat to my diet until I get my colour back :)


Body Organs

SPLEEN (going through divorce is shit for the spleen energy, and i think this has not helped with my condition)
KIDNEYS - same as above

. lumbar

. lack of energy
. palor
. dull eyes
. fatigue
. lethary
. difficulty in running and breathing.

(I cycle my boy to school every other day, and again I normally get up the hill no problem, but today I thought I was going to literally pass out - not safe)

. wounds take longer to heal
. cramps
. indigestion
. insomnia

Anaemia indicates that there is insufficient haemoglobin in the body, Ferrum (iron pills) are not general solution because they cause constipation. I recommend instead homeopathic tissue salts Ferr. Phos. D6. (this treatment - referred to hereafter as tissue salts was originated by Dr Schuessler in teh last century and has since gained a world-wide reputation for its effectiveness in stimulating blood circulation and cell reproduction).. Or eat beetroot to stimulate movement in your bowels; it is a healther solution. If there is a haemolytic disease in the body 0 you will need a blood test to check - then this treatment is insufficient.
Provided that your anaemia is not pernicious and you have no other chronic blood disease, the following juice will help.


. carrot
. raw beetroot
. celery
. spinach

Add 125m of spring water with a pinch of salt, ground black pepper and ground roasted cumin seeds. Cumin powder is very digestible and helps to balance the beetroot which is very earthy and difficult to digest. Chewing 25g of parsley iwll maximise the effect of this juice, which you should drink twice a day.

In addition, eat mackeral oysters, sardines, walnuts, and broccoli, which are all rich in zinc. Try to eat more green veg; they are rich in chlorophyll and will help generally..

Thanks Dr Singha :)) Taken from teh book 'THE SECRETS OF NATURAL HEALTH (Element publishers)

Thursday, 2 October 2008

RED ONIONS - Dr Shyam Singha

- COMBAT colds and coughs: red onions contain large amounts of vitamin A and E

TASTE pungent

Nutritional Values

. Rich in vitamins A and E, which are antioxidants. Oxidants are substances, like free radicals, that destroy the tissue.
. rich in vitamin C, calcium, iron (espcially red onions) and sulpher

Did you know?

Onions constitute one of the most powerful remedies that can be commonly found in the average household. The healing effect of red onions is greater than that of white onions. While the white onion is rich in vitamin E, the red onion contains both vitamins a and E. The onion is a powerful healer not only when eaten raw, but also fried, dried or boiled.

The fresh juice of an onion can be rubbed on burns, bites and stings.. Influenza patients, given the juice of pounded onions in a warm infusion 3 times a day at the onset of the disease, can often recover within 2-3 days. Fresh onion juice mixed with honey makes a good cough syrup.

Natural therapeutic effects

. antioxidant, antidiabetic, antifungal, antiviral, antibacterial, anticanderous, anthemlmintic, antiseptic, antispasmodic, carminative, diuretic, expectorant, stomachic, tonic.

Beneficial in the treatment of

. catarrh
. anaemia
. coughs and colds
. influenza
. liver cirrhosis
. dropsy
. kidney stones
. tuberculosis
. germs in the mouth (chew raw onion for 3 minutes)
. ascites (abdominal dropsy)
. bronchitis
. insomnia
. jaundice
. splenic enlargement
. dyspepsia
. toothache
. bruises
. earache
. nervous debility
. brain fatigue
. anxiety
. heroine and tobacco addiction
Onions also strengthen the lungs and cleanse the colon.


Onions can help to prevent severe diseases of the respiratory system.

ORANGES (The Flu Season is nigh)


quoted from Dr Shyam Singhas book 'The Secrets of Natural Health'

TASTE sour

Nutritional Values

. rich in mineral salts, especially calcium
. rich in vitamins, especially vitamin C

Beneficial in the treatment of
. fevers
. catarrh
. colds
. acidosis
. hyperacidity of the stomach

Did you know?

Oranges are strongly alkaline-forming. They are a good supplement for arthritics and meat eaters who need to combad acidosis. Grilled oranges are very strong immune strengtheners. The pith contains vitamin P (bioflavanoids) and the flesh is rich in Vitamin C. Through the process of grilling, the pith and the fleshy part mingle, making it easier for the body to absorb the bioflavanoids and the vitamin C. When the vitamin C and P combine, they activate the immune system of the body and help it to eliminate toxins. A monofast with grilled oranges is a first step in the treatment of Aids, hepatitic C and B, herpes and non-specific urethritis. It can also be used to break down tumours.

Dr Shyam Singha.