Saturday, 21 February 2009

A Day on 3 Counties Radio

Today Dale Pinnock and I were invited onto 3 Counties Radio with the beautiful Gill Gauntlett to talk about Raw Food Cuisine.  Click on Gills link to listen to the show.  Kirsty comes in at the time of the arrow in this pic



iPlayer Radio Console

We had alot of fun doing the show.  Here are some little comic life pics of our wonderful day.














Scavenger said... dont look a day over 25 and so gorgeously svelte, Kirsty. :)
Im going to have to really try some of this.
There are so many who can use this kind of diet,even if it is just a fraction of raw. I always feel good after eating raw fruits and veggies,even if it is a bag of snap peas or spinach.

Anonymous said...

I enjoyed the radio show! You and Dale did a wonderful job, lots of interesting and helpful info. I posted your vids and links on my site a few weeks back. I'm looking forward to what all you'll be adding to Budget Vitality. That 'Raw Man Sandwich' is brilliant! :)